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Old April 14th, 2010, 05:50 PM
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LoveCharlie LoveCharlie is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 139
We picked up Charlie on the way home from work. He is doing so much better, the difference is like night and day .

I was very impressed with the technique they use to get fluids back in his little body: they injected the fluids just under the skin on the back of his neck/shoulders. And they gave him a lot because I can see it, it looks swollen but the vet tech said it should be gone by tomorrow.

He has to take Pepcid AC as well as some other medication (anti-nausea) for the next 2 days. The hardest part is no eating and no drinking until tomorrow.

Overall, it's a very happy ending. She did warn me that the X-rays showed A LOT of gas in his intestines so maybe we will have to stay away from him for a few days.
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