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Old January 30th, 2005, 10:47 PM
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Bugsy Bugsy is offline
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Originally Posted by Carina
As I understand it (I've been researching this because I have a deformed kitten prone to pooping complications) mineral oil etc is just fine, as long as used occasionally. It's the active ingredient in Petromalt & various other hairball & constipation meds, it's very effective.
Now I'm confused. My regular vet suggested Vaseline a while back. I thought he was loopy, he said if I felt better about using mineral oil... to use that instead. Which is what I did. Later when Bugsy had his surgery (TPO) and proceeded to eat the plastic sticky thing they covered his incisions with, I gave him mineral oil & rushed him to the DMV. While there, I mentioned that I had already given him mineral oil & that vet said I should have given him Vaseline instead... because it wouldn't give him the runs.

Back to square one I'd love to hear everyone else's opinion on this.
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