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Old April 5th, 2010, 07:15 PM
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dollface dollface is offline
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Last night, I believe, was meow free! !

Here is where my paranoia kicks in, when I let Gizzy out in the rest of the house, he automatically goes to to sniff Forest, and Forest takes full advantage and starts licking Gizzy. Should I let it continue and see what happens, or just stop it before it starts? Today, I psst'd at them to distract them from the sniffing, and then Forest starts meowing in Gizzy's direction and started to go near him, but I put a stop to that.

If my paranoia is right, I have no problem staying in the bedroom with Gizzy and away from Forest, that way he doesn't think he has to stay in the bedroom all day/night. He seems to love following me everywhere now and loves to sleep beside me.

Am I right to be paranoid or do they just miss each other?
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