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Old January 24th, 2010, 10:18 AM
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buddingartist buddingartist is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Canada
Posts: 85
Good morning to all you kind people.

Buddy seems to be doing much better. At your suggestion, Thursday evening, I started giving him pumpkin (starting with 1 teaspoon) morning and night. Also, if I noticed that he wasn't eating, I started hand feeding him a few kibbles approximately every 3 hours and still keeping track of his water intake, which is going down.

Thursday and Friday evening around 9:30, he went into heavy panting and both nights he had us up at 4 and 6 in the morning wanting to go out to pee and lick snow (which he always loved to do).

Yesterday, his keytone were down from 4 to 1.5 and last night he wasn't as bad as previous nights.

Magically, he slept through the night and woke up at 8am this morning. Our babies are not <morning dogs< so they are now both sleeping peacefully on the couch and this afternoon and evening is a full day watching football cuddled with daddy.

I say magically because back 2 weeks ago, hubby and I decided to redo the ceramic tiles in our bathroom. It has been quite the ordeal (shower leak - fixed. Roof leak - fixed. broken flange - fixed. Recaulked the shower stall only to discover that the caulking was dated 2006, now removing the caulking to redo. second layer of sub floor ripped out. subfloor reinforced. and we finally started layting tiles. All this coinciding with Buddy going downhill, having to monitor his water intake etc, etc..... so it has been quite stressful in our house.

Last night hubby and I were cringing in pain that a hot shower could not take care of and therefore, MAGICALLY, we were able to sleep right through the night.

Hubby now refers to pumpkin as the magic food and maybe that is the little added fiber that he needed in his diet.

With all that's happening, I had forgotten that I have a baby shower to go to and also pay a visit to friend in the hospital today. yuk and here I thought today would be a day of rest.

Thank you again for your concern.

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