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Old January 20th, 2010, 03:39 PM
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buddingartist buddingartist is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Canada
Posts: 85
Hi all
I am the friend that Pat (Goldengal) is referring to as she was kind enough to initiate the enquiries on my behalf (She is Gold).

I am Buddy's mommy

We just got back from the vet today and although his glucose was down, it is still too high. He also lost another 1 1/2 pound in one week. Buddy was never fat and quite muscled, so now when I pick him up I can feel all his bones and it is painful to see him like that.

The glyburide may have helped a little although the vet reminded me that this is a temporary solution until we find the cause of his problem.

Oct 3, 07 ALKP was 945 ALT 153 Glucose 6.61 (surgery on paw for suspected foreign object - it was not, preceeded and followed by 3 months of antibiotics because of persistent infections.

May 19,09 ALKP was 1077 ALT 174 Glucose 6.59 (dental surgery for gum infection)

Jan 11, 10 ALKP was 696 ALT 163 Glucose 37.28

Today his glucose was down to 26

The vet has ordered more tests (including Fructosamine) and since we live in the country, the fructosamine test has to be sent out and we should get the results in a day or 2. He also wants to eliminate Cushing. (heck, I'm already up to $600 including today so I might as well do it right).

I asked him about OcluVet and he has never heard of it however, wrote it down and will check into it.

Buddy has food and environmental allergies and he has been on MediCal HypoAllergenic food and treats for 2 years now and has experienced less flare ups on his paws, although we now clean his paws and in between every night with saline water.

I asked whether we should consider changing the diet and after consultation, our vet tells me that he'd rather keep him on hypoallergenic food, to try and avoid potential/further interdigital cysts and infections and instead, give him Metamucil for fibre.

Since our vet has only been treating Buddy for the last 4 years only, I again reminded him of Buddy's complete history (puppy mill rescue at 10 weeks) had severe mange, open sores and bleeding, bald from the neck down to his tail, respitory problems and one ear burnt&?%??&&. and medical problems (persistent respitory problems, interdigital cysts, anal sac infection, allergies and hip problems although it has been a while since he had any problems).

I also insisted that I wanted to be absolutely sure that it is indeed diabetes before we start him on insulin. I made it quite clear that I want my little guy to have a quality of life, I don't want to watch him suffer out of selfishness but I also don't want to spend thousands of dollars only to watch him suffer and pass on soon (we are both retired and living on a fixed income). So my message was quite clear.... I want my little Buddy to be comfortable and happy.

The next time I go back to the vet, I will also ask about Keto-Diastix.

Sorry for this long post but boy, it felt good to share with other animals lovers.

If only we didn't love them so much.... but then they love us so much and with such unconditional love.

Thank you for any and all suggestions and comments
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