Thread: deer cull
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Old January 5th, 2010, 02:50 PM
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Like I said there are other ways to control the situation besides Killing them, and as I said before, some people just enjoy killing for whatever reason, to fill freezers or to take part in the fun and exciting cull!!! WOO HOOO they must be so excited to be able to hunt these fearless unsupecting creatures, who will probably walk right up to them looking for food.......what a thrill that will be !!!!

I know and have been around many many hunters, and it is a thrill, fun, exciting, and quite often a BIG celebration after the "hunt" which quite often includes a big drunk fest, and the sick stories about how that one that was only wounded (bleeding everywhere) got away and they never could find it, or how the first shot didn't kill it so the had to track it for miles before finally finding it and killing as they all laugh joyously about it.

And don't even start with me about the MNR!!!! I have known a few to turn a blind eye (to poaching, or going over limits) for cash, and you know how those hunters who can afford all that expenive gear can easily pay off the MNR person !! I was also told by a hunter how he got caught poaching, and cried to the MNR guy that his family was starving and that's why he did it and the MNR guy let him go!!! (that hunter was far from poor,and even farther from starving)

What is man without beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected.

~~Chief Seattle (Duwamish tribe)~~
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