Thread: deer cull
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Old January 5th, 2010, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by happycats View Post
Sorry I disagree, all the hunters I know kill for FUN (although they may not use the word fun, although I know some that do) I've heard, Thrill, Rush, adrenaline rush and sport, so really they kill for fun.
Feed a family! Sorry but I disagree, most hunters I know have hunting gear that cost more then an order of beef! not to mention the costs of a hunting license and the buck or tags, Sorry but hunting is a very expensive activity, so if you can afford to buy all that hunting gear, you can afford to buy food for your family.
Your right, the gear for hunting is expensive, we have one gun here that cost over $2500 and thats just one of many considering we hunt everything from rabbit, bush chicken, moose ,deer, bear and soon caribou, licencing is not that costly....
But we DO do it to feed ourselves. You can argue that we are nothing more than blood thirsty slaughterers who love nothing morel than to wake up one early fall morning and head out to kill what we can for the pure joy in it.
When in reality (for us) it is all about filling our freezers, making gloves and mocassins, tanning hides and feeding dogs "scrap" and bones. I personally would much rather kill an animal who has had a lovely life grazing, running free and eating NATURAL diets than eat a cow raised in a commercial meat barn being fed to grow fast and killed with never seeing a day on pasture. Some years it is young animals we end up hunting, some years its the older "trophy" animals we hunt... point being, regardless of what is shot and killed for our consumption it is ALL used by us. No animal is killed and left.
So while we could theoretically afford to do away with the rifles and shot guns and fill our freezers with as much meat as the grocery store can supply us with we choose not to.
Same with fishing can you believe we are also avid fishermen? We ourselves sit out on the "expensive" boat with our expensive rods, expensive lures/baits and crazy redneck hillbilly friends and fish a whole day away. Do you believe it we all get together that evening and EAT them We could save ourselves tons of money and go to the store and buy some frozen crappy fish like haddock as apposed to wasting our days and money for fresher than fresh northern pike, pickeral (walleye to our american neighbours) large and small mouth bass ect. But in all honesty the fishing itself is indeed fun and thrilling and in the end, tasty as could be. If its a great day fishing ( as there are limits to number of fish you can catch same as deer, moose, ect) we will go park the boats along the shore and actually fry up a shore lunch of fish and go back out just to eat even more of it that night. How barbaric of us.:sad:

I think before the whole "there is no need to kill for our own selfish needs such as food" arguement arises one should take a look at how the animals you or your loved ones eat out of grocery stores are treated to do nothing else but satisfy your hunger. Have you seen laying hens in commercial egg farms? Have you seen what your tasty veal goes through to end up on your plate? I have, and choose not to support that means of aquiring my foods.
Someone had better call PETA or the OSPCA on us tomorrow morning as we are heading out to the field with a trailer and the dogs to chase 2 unsuspecting cows into it and haul them off to the butchers for no other reason than to feed our families:sad: when we could just drive down the road for a cheaper price and buy some

There is nothing more insulting to me than people who really refuse to see the positive side of killing wild animals for food. For every animal we hunt or raise for food that is one less that has to suffer and not be able to be "free" or experience grazing or even moving at all to feed us by means of grocery store
Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyways. ~John Wayne
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