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Old November 29th, 2009, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by MnM View Post
The 'normal' range for the lab here is BUN (7-26 mg/dl) and Creatinine (0.4-1.8 mg/dl). Mikey's Monday/Saturday were 26/31 BUN and 2.14/2.41 Creatinine. I don't have a copy of the urine tests, but will get those at our appt tomorrow-they're going to do it again tomorrow too. I'm worried about him having had blood drawn so close together (Monday and Saturday). If they want to do it again tomorrow that will be three times in a week. How long should I wait to test his blood again?
The BUN is not too bad, the creatinine rising but still in low 2's is not alarming (Mikey's BUN & cre are both lower than Duffy's right now but she is good-stable with little to no symptoms right now)

Given the severity of symptoms vs the relatively low numbers I would say there is something else more pressing right now than the kidney numbers, likely either the crystals/stones, a liver issue or a possible diabetes issue

I would say blood drawn no more than 3 times a week once a month in emergency type situations.

Having blood drawn too often on a sick animal can push them into anaemia especially with cats (due to size) & smaller sized dogs.

In a stable cat the blood values are not going to fluctuate enough for a significant change 1 week to the next. However when formulating a treatment plan for a sick cat (as Mikey would be classed now) one may need more frequent testing.

For chronic conditions such as renal failure once every 3 months is standard, the exception being diabetes however the amount of blood taken for a glucose-only test is far lower than a lab work up.

Originally Posted by MnM View Post
His glucose was high, which is high every time I've had his blood tested-in the past we fast him then retest it comes back normal (glucose 267 [normal 79-126]). His protein was at 8.0 (normal 5.8-7.9). The phosphorus was not high, but because of hind end weakness and wobbly balance on Thursday night, that vet trip resulted in Alumilk 1.5ml 3x/day.
Sugarcatmom is better able to guide you regarding the high glucose & possible diabetes. Glucose will rise with stress but shouldn't go 100+pts due to stress more like 20.

The wobbly back legs could be as a result of: low potassium, anaemia, high phos, metabolic acidosis (one symptom being excess stomach acid), diabetic neuropathy, arthritis, hypertension or constipation

Originally Posted by MnM View Post
There is another thing called "ALK.P" and it was VERY high at 147 (3-60 U/L is normal range), but we don't know what this is and couldn't understand the vet-I'll ask again tomorrow.
Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme produced by the biliary tract (liver). High levels indicate bone disease, liver disease or bile flow blockage. Can also be indicated because of vomiting, several days of not eating enough proper balance nutrition.

Originally Posted by MnM View Post
He is also on:Cystaid, Mabocyl, and Tofidine and between 250-300ml of subQ fluid a day.
Cystaid is for the bladder lining, Marbocyl treats tissue infections & URI and while I can't find a direct english explaination for Tofidine it appears to be an antibiotic

Are you dividing the amount into 2 subq session a day? Are the fluids fully absorbed by the next day?

Originally Posted by MnM View Post
On Saturday morning we rushed him because of vomiting (saliva and then the k/d food) and straining in the litter box with multiple trips and even though he pooed, still coming back and straining-then vomiting. He was given an injection for stomach acid reduction and an anti-nausea injection.
Can you ask the vet about something more frequent acting for controlling stomach acid: Also if you raise the food dishes up about 3-5 inches off the ground it puts their head higher than the stomach when eating so it keeps the acid below & out of the throat. Small frequent meals also helps especially one right before bed.

The straining there was likely him trying to pee & being unable to pass urine due to the stone/crystals. Cats will sometimes vomit after straining w/multiple attempts in the litterbox, this then puts them at further risk if dehydration.

Originally Posted by MnM View Post
I can not get ANY of the good canned foods here, I'm lucky to be able to get the prescription ones. I was all of last year (Sept-June) feeding him a homemade cooked diet-duck, sweet potatoes, mung beans with calcium citrate, probiotic, flaxseed oil, taurine added in. He liked it. I also bring back as much as I can carry from the states of canned foods like wellness, weruva, etc, but can't bring enough to last long. Starting this Sept though, I forced him on to a dry diet with a can once or twice a week. He started losing weight (which was what prompted my original move to the homemade/canned food diet, a vet suggested grain allergy after $3K in tests revealed no other cause-ugh; part of this testing did show he had some scarring on the kidneys and two small kidney stones, but everything else checked out). He gained some weight back and had regular bowel movements, he maintained this for a year. Then about three weeks ago I noticed he was dropping weight again and having trouble pooing and was frustrated (as even the dry kibble was grain free). So started throwing whatever canned food he wanted at him-which unfortunately was mostly Thai canned cat foods which I have no idea what was in them, LOTS of fish though.
Why did you take him off the homemade diet and put him on dry? I would suggest to put him back on the homemade diet with canned and most definately get rid of all dry food. It is entirely inappropriate for cats with crystals/stones and compromised kidneys.

You do also want to limit the amount fish in the diet (no more than 1 per week/two weeks) as too much may not only cause an imbalance in vit e but also lead to refusing to eat other varities
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