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Old November 17th, 2009, 12:45 PM
tiggy2 tiggy2 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Kingston, ON, Canada
Posts: 134

We're back from the vet. Tus did well with the Ultra Sound, just growled a bit.

Anyway her liver is good, her kidneys are as expected for a cat her age, but her pancreas is enlarged. The vet said, if you can see the pancreas it usually means problems?? leaves me to believe she has pancreatitis.

I have some antibiotics for her in case she has bladder issues from the dribbling pee. I did not want to stick another needle in her belly to make sure, so but her on the antibiotics. Vet also suggested a high fibre/low fat diet.

So that's were we stand now. Any suggestion from you guys? Gee's I can't believe how tired I am. Just wish I could know for sure what's going on and deal with it:sad:

Also tired of all the different research I've had to do, and now my boy has started to chew his belly up and Rosie is " not well" eitherOK that's my complaining for the day, thanks for listening
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