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Old November 1st, 2009, 03:09 PM
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kassiecomelli - please do not think I am in any way trying to be nasty. I have been through the experience of scraping a few cats off the road near my home because someone let them out. In fact I had a feral girl who I was never able to contain. She was used to being out too... for three years. She was very street smart, very watchful. Then one evening a car beat her across the road. Well, didn't beat her. It hit her. I cannot tell you the pain I went through holding her poor broken body close to me till we could get her to a vet to end her pain. I cannot tell you the agony of knowing I finally got to hold her.. to say goodbye. I cannot tell you the guilt I feel every time I pass her grave. It's indescribable, still.
L4H has a very large property where her cats are allowed out on leashes. They aren't short little leashes. They are very long. Her cats love it. I don't think they feel shorted in any way of any pleasure.
Let me ask you, was your cat declawed when you rescued him? If not then yes, he was capable of defending himself. If he has since been declawed what defence does he have against a dog or another cat? When he is in your home he does not have to worry about cars, dogs, cats, coyotes, illlness from other cats, animal abusers who would not hesitate to kick him or worse. He would learn to settle and be quite happy in your home without being outside. If you feel the need to let him out may I share a website with you? It is fantastic! It shows some marvelous enclosures that are imaginative and fairly reasonable to build. Then he would be safe... from everything out there.

Oh, and just so you can feel assured I do know a little of what I am talking about - I have a cat sanctuary. It is 1/4 acre fenced off so the cats cannot get out. They have trees, houses, enclosures so the ones that fight can't with the others. I don't think any of them suffer one bit by not being able to roam where they want. They are safe, loved and treasured... just as you love Guinness.

May I also suggest a documentary to watch if you ever get the chance to. It is called "Cat City". The city they are talking about is Toronto. They esimate there are 100,000 cats roaming the streets homeless, feral, sick. It is available on Global TV web site to watch. Very informative. Very sad.
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Last edited by 14+kitties; November 1st, 2009 at 06:20 PM. Reason: Added info
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