Thread: Dog aggression
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Old October 25th, 2009, 07:16 PM
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What kind of rescue wouldn't take a dog back if it was not working out in the home? I don't know of any reputable rescue that would refuse to take a dog back if it was not working with the new family.

Secondly, I hate dog parks and rarely take my dogs to any of them in the city. This is because a dog park is extremley unstructured and offers a lot of off-balance socialization for a dog. Sure, in theory it is a great place to be, but so many dogs have terrible experiences at the park because too many owners feel that this is a great form of 'excercise' for their untrained animals, instead of viewing it as a reward for their obedient ones. You will NOT be doing your dogs any harm by avoiding the dog parks, especially while training and trying to get this under control.

Third, I agree completley with LP. Find a different behaviorist, even someone that can see you for one or two sessions and set you on a good and healthy path in regards to training.

I worked on that, and for the most part did stay calm, and didn't put tension on their leashes. They still reacted aggressively.
This doesn't surprise me. Remaining calm is great, but it is not the be all or end all in regards to rehabilitating an aggressive animal. You MUST innterupt and redirect before it gets to the point of 'acting' on something, and a GOOD trainer will be able to show you how to do this and read your dogs behavior.

There were people walking there dogs...I definatley didn't feel tense at those moments because I was in a vehicle but they still freaked out and I thought they were going to go through the glass window!
Are you able to keep them in seperate kennels in your car when you travel to avoid this at this time? Or travel with one dog seperatley to avoid passing on negative energy which dogs always do to one another.

I took both dogs for a walk this morning and Jack almost snapped his collar trying to get at another dog.
So, I take it you aren't keeping the pinch collar on him anymore? What type of collar is he wearing?

And please do not continue using the pinch collar if you are. This trainer you're seeing doesn't seem to know what he's doing, therefore I doubt Jack even needs to be wearing one. A dog that shows aggression can often be made worse by putting them in these types of collars, in an attempt to 'control' the dog - so please get a second opinion.
"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."

Bailey (Labradoodle)
Tippy (Collie/ShepX)
Vali (American Bulldog)
Artiro (Cane Corso)
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