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Old August 21st, 2009, 05:58 PM
Rick C Rick C is offline
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Location: Southwest of Calgary, Alberta, on an acreage
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Originally Posted by bendyfoot View Post

As a biologist, I always find it curious how value statements get attached to natural phenomena, how humans tend to anthropomorphosize other species or behaviours. The fact is, evolution and the development of new species are directed by species' environments. It happens all the time, whether humans want or intend it to, or not. It's not bad or good, it just is what it is...evolution and natural selection.
Amen Sista

If we turn the world into a place where three headed fish can flourish, we shouldn't be surprised if three-headed fish take over.

Now, if only we could convince the people who think dinosaurs roamed the earth 4000 years ago.

Rick C
"Dear Lord, help me to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am." - Anonymous
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