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Old July 29th, 2009, 01:04 PM
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NoahGrey NoahGrey is offline
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Originally Posted by BenMax View Post
Politics, ego and who is better than who. So darn pathetic!
Very true and sad. The no kill grip about the kill shelters and the kill shelters grip about the no kill shelters. It all comes down to money and what will make them look good. That goes for non profit and city run shelters.

Sorry a little off topic...

Look at TAS. They euth over 50% of what they bring in, but yet get millions of dollars each year from our government. How come these resources are not being used to decrease euth rates in their shelters. Why...because this would interfere with their wages, and the thousands of dollars in equipment, such as computers, etc. I also don't understand why a shelter can preach about the importance of spaying and neutering your pet, when they don't even do that for their adopted animals. Yes, they have a spay and neuter clinic, but they leave that option up to the new owner. Not really pro active in the helping to decrease the pet overpopulation or there animals would be fixed before they went home. all comes down to money.

And I think the police are involved when Agents obtain a search warrent, due to safety issues. Until Agents are able to carry firearms, police will assist. Right now, Agents carry the ASP stick, OC spray and up until a few months-a year ago, they have been issues vests...which are not even bullet proof, but classifed as punture resistant....which means, a knife could go through. And Chris is right, Agent training is not 2 days...Years ago it was. Then they put it too a week long training section and now it is 4 weeks of training.


Last edited by NoahGrey; July 29th, 2009 at 01:12 PM.
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