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Old July 17th, 2009, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by ancientgirl View Post
I'm sorry, but why must this be explained to you? LMP already gave her opinion. That is how SHE saw it. There is no reason for her or anyone here to keep going over the same thing. You keep saying to please explain this or you seem to be missing that. Why? Everyone here has already expressed their thoughts on this, and having to explain themselves yet again is pointless.

I say purple, someone else may say violet, and yet another person will say lilac. That's how they see it, and no more words will change their minds.
Ancientgirl, I am NOT trying to change anyones mind. And as far as I know, the only time I've asked anyone to explain their reasons was this ONE TIME with LMP because I am genuinely interested - and I respect her comments on it.
Why are there so many people in this forum that believe if someone has a different opinion on a topic, that we are suddenly trying to convert people? I am very well aware that a lot of people don't like Brad or his tactics, and I'm certainly not trying to have people explain to me why they don't like Brad.

As I've said many times before, in this thread alone, I am not a Brad-Advocate. So I'm certainly not trying to get anyone onto anybody else's bandwagon. I just want reasons, instead of being told "that dog is so much more sad than this dog". Is that too much to ask? This is a pet forum, I find it a wonderful place to explore subjects and test training theories. This is my career - I want to be very good at what I do. If I miss something, I want to be corrected.

People attribute human emotion to animals all the time, and all I am looking for is someone to step away from telling me how Rudy apparently feels in the video, and explain WHY they feel that way and what behavior and body language the dog is exhibiting to lead them to believe he is 'upset'. My reason is because when I watch the video, I see the dog displaying absolutley no fear reaction towards Brad. So that is why I want to know why certain people are so upset about how 'sad' Rudy is.

I have seen hundreds of abused dogs, many of abused cats, and not one of them displayed action the way Rudy is displaying in that video. He doesn't cower from Brads touch, nor does he avoid eye contact. There is not any nervous twitching, or fear submission reaction happening. I just don't see it. So far, no one has pointed it out either. Maybe you can?
"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."

Bailey (Labradoodle)
Tippy (Collie/ShepX)
Vali (American Bulldog)
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