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Old July 16th, 2009, 04:00 PM
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Lynne_B Lynne_B is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 76
Yup, I saw the other examples as well, it's good that alternatives were stated. For us we have been pretty lucky, as our dog was taught at a young age by an older dog not to jump up. He jumped up on that owner, and basically "got told" by that dog that he was being rude. Since then we've had very little issues with jumping up. However that being said, there are still certain people that he gets VERY excited around, and basically vibrates and yips and half jumps (then checks himself and sits). It's pretty hilarious to watch. But as soon as he's sitting, he gets attention, otherwise he gets ignored. It happens more with people he knows that he doesn't always get to see, and also when they tend to stand with a bit of a slouch, instead of standing tall. When he was younger we would also step on his leash (ignoring wasn't working at that point) so that he would essentially self correct when he jumped up. But again because of the other dog correcting him, we didn't really have to deal with it long enough to really know what methods worked the best.
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