Thread: Peaches is sick
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Old July 2nd, 2009, 09:24 AM
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Unhappy Peaches is sick

Sorry it's been so long, my internet hasn't been working for over 3 weeks now so I'm sneaking on at work!

Peaches started having diarhea on Tuesday...I came home from work to it all over my carpet. He seemed ok so I gave him fresh water and took away his food for the evening. When I got home from soccer a few hours later, he'd thrown up his food from the day. I gave him a bit of wet food because he seemed lethargic. He threw this up overnight and the diarhea continued. I kept a close eye on him all day yesterday and he was up and down...getting better towards the evening. He's been eating and drinking normally but he seems really really tired. I called the vet last night to see if I could bring him in first thing this morning. I took him in at 8:30 and he's there now...he's lost a bit of weight but has no fever. They're keeping him overnight to give him fluids and I brought in a stool sample for them to test. I should get an update after work tonight. I can't think of anything he could have gotten into and there have been no changes to his food.

Aside from all of this, I'm really upset with the vet. I was so pleased with them in the beginning because they seemed to take his epilepsy so seriously and they went out of their way to help me learn more about it and the treatments etc. Today I felt like I was taking him to the walk-in clinic or something. I don't know whether they even looked at his file ahead of time because he kept bringin up things we've already done. Peaches has always been small and at times, a bit frail looking, but that's him and that's what the epilepsy has done to him. I know that despite the fact that his fur might be a little ratty, he's a perfectly happy cat. If I had any suspicion that he was in pain or unhealthy, I would address it. This vet was going on and on about how bad his fur is and how he looks unhealthy but this is how he has been all along, so I don't understand why he didn't raise concerns earlier. He then starting going over what some of the causes of his recent illness could be...from something minor to more serious things like feline leukemia, etc. I had to tell him that we've already tested Peaches for that multiple times when we were trying to find a cause for the epilsepy and he's been tested every few months to check phenobarb levels so if anything were seriously wrong, it would be picked up. It jsut felt like I was talking to a stranger :sad:
Anyway, thats my rant. Peaches is staying with my parents starting next weekend for a week while I'm away so I think I'm going to have them take them into Romeo's vet and from now on, I'll bring him home when he needs a check-up.

I'll update once I hear anything :sad: I hope this isn't anything too serious
Peaches 2.5 years
Romeo 2 year
Barkley 10 years
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