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Old December 17th, 2004, 09:34 AM
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DogueLover DogueLover is offline
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Homes for animals

I was just wondering............ how far away can the new homes be for the animals you guys are talking about? It is so discouraging and so disheartning to know that you guys have so many dogs needing homes and I am at least 2 provinces away( in most cases).
I know of some excellent homes here where I live and I know for certain, that dogs placed in those homes would be "forever pets" and yet I have to sit and watch helplessly here. :sad:
My hope for Shyla and her situation is that a home like the ones I know of here can be found for her by her current owners. I cannot believe that there are so many of those beautiful giants out there who are searching for homes.......... how I need a ranch!!!

If my post offended anyone I apologize. It is so hard to express yourself with just typed words. My comment about getting in touch with Shyla`s original breeder was only stated because of the contract I have with my dog`s breeder............ I was just curious as to whether or not they had one.
IF she comes from the same miller as the other dogs mentioned in these posts then I would not expect her to be returned.

Maybe because I am soooo protective and proud of my mastiff, I come across as negative to anyone who has one and isn`t keeping theirs. Like I said in my original post........... we sometimes get dealt a real crappy hand in life and do what we have to do................ I believe that is what has happened to the people in Shyla`s present position and my heart goes out to them.......... even the thought of a day without my dogue is too difficult to imagine, I won`t even try to understand how they feel.

I sure hope you guys close enough can help them in their search and that the story has a happy ending. I wish there was more I could do.
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