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Old June 29th, 2009, 02:12 PM
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dogcatharmony dogcatharmony is offline
Pumpkin' Dumplin' Gang
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Northern Ontario
Posts: 1,073
Thanks Kara1 for reminding me to post an update. I was going to do it earlier but forgot with all the commotion of a new kitty into the house.

This summer is going excellent so far

Zoe and the little guy are like peas in a pod when he is allowed over. I have worked up to him giving her treats, her favorite green milkbones. He knows to tell her to sit, and then gives her the treat. He has even started calling her by her nickname "boo". Mom seems seriously more relaxed, I even have her petting Zoe now.

Dad has got more involved and the little guy is supervised now by one or the other parent at all times. No more bolting into the backyard. I have started letting him take one of her toys home with him and then he brings it back at the play time I have set. If it is too hot out, they have to wait until later after supper when it's cooler. The mom asked if we could start taking a walk together some time.

A fence is still going up, work on it starts in the middle of July, have some renovations to do to. So it has been a complete turn around since last summer.....I don't want to jinx it, I really hope it stays the same.
My personal take on cat purring:
1 cat Mono
2 cats Stereo
3+ cats......Surround sound
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