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Old June 1st, 2009, 07:27 AM
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EndOfFashion EndOfFashion is offline
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My girl, Autumn, already had her name when we adopted her. She's a beautiful rust-coloured husky, so we didn't change her name because it suited her PERFECTLY (plus she was born in September).

We did name our pug, Milo. We chose the name from Milo and Otis but...oops!...we named him after the cat, not the pug! It had been a while since I'd seen the movie...

I felt I had to include our cat's story (even though the OP is asking about dogs). When we went to the THS to find a cat, I fell in love with Charlie. His name wasn't written anywhere on his documents, and since it said he came in as a stray I figured he didn't have a name. When we went to ask an employee about him, she said "Oh, that's Gigantor". GIGANTOR!! Because he weighed 25 lbs (duh)! We took him home but could NOT keep the name - I was convinced it would hurt his self-esteem and he would never lose weight as Gigantor. So I named him after the lead character in "Anansi Boys" by Neil Gaiman (fav author) - FAT CHARLIE. I figured we could drop the "Fat" when Charlie lost some weight; but actually, even at 20 lbs he is only called Fat Charlie by my friends.
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