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Old March 25th, 2009, 06:22 AM
MerlinsHope MerlinsHope is offline
Chow Pei Rescue
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Prescott
Posts: 237
We've added the pumpkin and it has made quite the difference
Hi Stacer:

Oh yes, smaller poops are normal. This means more nutrition is staying inside the body, rather than be tossed outside.

Adding pumpkin is not the correct approach towards the diet. You have to see how wrong that is.

Adding a "stool softener" is fine if you actually have an odd or rare temporary problem, but the correct solution is to improve the quality of the diet, rather than placating it.

If you feed raw appropriately, there is no need for pumpkin or any other type of device to help your pet defecate properly.

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