Thread: spike collars
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Old November 30th, 2004, 12:28 PM
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Schwinn Schwinn is offline
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The problem we had was Daisy was always rubbing her face against our legs trying to get it off. I don't know who it bothered more, her having it on, or us having raw legs. That's when the prong collar was suggested. Now, we find that if we put the prong collar on, she knows it's walk time and doesn't pull, but if we put her cloth collar on (which we use for going to the car, or short trips where she's only on a leash for a few minutes), she pulls and pulls. The prong collar becomes a signal that she is to walk with us. We have tried to walk her with other collars, but she's hyper and will constantly pull, despite corrections and reminders. (She's not a bad dog, she just gets carried away!) We find now we don't even pick it up unless we are taking her, because as soon as she hears it, she is sitting in front of us trying to stick her face in it. We find that she seems happy, and we don't have any real issues with her, so we stuck with it. We also found that with a regular collar, when she wanted out, she got out. I suggested it was because her collar was too loose, but one time she got out, and we could not slip it back over her head. (Between that and getting out of her locked crate, we've nicknamed her "Whodoggi").
Hagar:"What kind of dog is that?"
Man with dog:"He's a nice dog!"
Hagar:"You know, at the end of the day, that's always the best kind."
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