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Old February 10th, 2009, 11:36 AM
sarahbella2 sarahbella2 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Idaho
Posts: 2
Thanks for the advice. It's funny that all of you have commented on making grooming a daily thing. We make a game out of looking at her nails, ears, teeth, almost like you would with a baby. She rolls around on the floor and thinks its fun. She has learned to shake with both paws now and that helps her. My husband and I have decided to find a new vet clinic. The vet is next door to the movie rental place we go to and Bella started whining when we parked in front of the vet building. I think she was a little traumatized by the muzzling and forceful examination. I am so glad to be able to get this kind of advice.

We are also going to find a personal groomer and not one of the local stores to do it. I think she will be better with someone who takes the time to get to know her. We are also thinking about a basic puppy socialization class because she doesnt have any other dogs to be around and we think that might help her too.
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