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Old January 18th, 2009, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by sugarcatmom View Post
My cat does the exact same thing. Which is why he's now trained me to offer him a different brand or flavour at every meal. Perhaps your kitty is the same.

Sorry to hear that. Do you know what painkiller it was that they used? Also, I don't suppose you have (or can get) a copy of the lab work that indicates she has renal issues? The urinalysis along with the blood panel would be helpful.

Please don't use K/D. This is a horrible food and it's use for renal issues in cats is completely misguided. She needs a normal amount of protein, it's the phosphorus that should be limited, and there are much better foods that fit the bill. Depending on her blood work, she may be a candidate for phosphorus binders or other medications/supplements. Here is some info for you on CRF in cats:

I'd suggest finding some Innova Evo 95% venison and/or beef and tube-feeding her that instead of the K/D. You could also offer her Felidae Chicken & Rice (would be difficult to tube feed unless blenderized very fine). These have low phosphorus but much better quality ingredients than anything Hill's has to offer.

All we can do is the best we can given the info that we have. Please don't blame yourself!!! And I know this may be really hard right now, but try to put on your happy face for your girl. Cat's are extremely sensitive to our emotions and she may be picking up on your anguish.

Awesome! These are definitely excellent signs.
I will discuss other food options with the vet. They don't seem to have the same opinion of the food you all do here. I understand that organic is better. Many vets (like dr's) don't understand nutirition. Thank you for your help. I know. I am trying to put on a happy face for kitty. I love her.
I have 1 beautiful DSH tabby. 15 years old.
(and one sweet piti. 1.5 years old)
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