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Old January 13th, 2009, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by psw9368 View Post
Yes, I have received a lot of good advice. I found a pet store near my house and bought about 5 cans of Wellness and so far fed them 2, they loved it!

Originally Posted by psw9368 View Post
I work at Walgreens and picked up a meter to see if I can test Ozzy's blood glucose levels. This should be fun to do!
Good luck, and let me know how it goes. The key points:
  • Make sure Ozzy's ear is warm enough, so rubbing it with a rice-filled sock heated up in the microwave for a few seconds is a really good idea.
  • Not applying enough pressure with the lancet device is a common mistake (and you might want to start with the lancet on the deepest setting).
  • Use a folded Kleenex for backing behind the ear when you poke it, then you can use it to apply pressure on the poke-hole afterwards to stop the bleeding and prevent bruising.
  • It may take a few tries before you have a successful test, so don't get disheartened. Just give Ozzy some treats (something really special that he only gets at test-time) and try again later. My cat actually comes running for his tests, cause he knows he's getting a couple pieces of freeze-dried lamb.
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