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Old January 5th, 2009, 12:30 AM
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The more he ate, the stronger he got and then the more he wanted to eat.
This has been my experience too. Force-feeding is a drag but at a certain point you just have to do it, as quickly and as skilfully as possible. I never forced Mousse to eat more than a certain amount each time, usually about 2 tablespoons. I used a small 3 ml syringe so the mixture has to be really soupy, no lumps. I would get some canned recovery food from the vet or one of the other brands that have been suggested; baby food doesn't have the nutrition she needs.
I used to wrap Mousse in a towel and got each session down to about two minutes.
Then comes the clean-up lol. Then a little later you have another go.
You could leave some of the same food down as well, just in case. Don't worry about it spoiling. If the fiber thing is more pearls of wisdom from your vet - who appears to be a bit wanting in the cat psychology department - ignore it.
I would think about putting her back on pain meds until you have the eating issue solved. A pain patch is a good idea. Pain in animals is under-treated, imo.
The crating suggestion is just weird. How is this supposed to help? Your vet is a numbskull.

Last edited by badger; January 5th, 2009 at 12:35 AM.
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