Thread: Tartar build-up
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Old December 26th, 2008, 04:03 AM
RoxyGirl RoxyGirl is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Hawkesbury (near Ottawa), Ontario
Posts: 3
Tartar build-up

I have a question about my cat Freklz and Tartar Build-up.

I'm a new member here, so i will give you all a little bit of info regarding Freklz's background.

Back in mid-October, Freklz came very close to dying. I could see in his face that he was not feeling well, and I noticed him having trouble in the litter box, going very often, not being able to urinate, and the awful screams he let out while he was in there. I made an appointment at the vet the next day, my appointment was for 4 pm, but i called back and demanded an earlier appointment, because i could see he was getting worse, much worse. They told me to come in at 10:30 am.

When I told the vet what was going on, she said it sounded like he had crystals in his bladder. After examining him, she turned to me and said that they needed to run some tests, but was positive it was crystals, she said his bladder was so full, that it was ready to burst anytime, and that if that happened, he would die a very painful death, within 24 hours. His urethra was completely blocked. She also said that if I would have waited until 4 pm to bring him in, it might have been too late.

The vet tech then came out with an estimate for his treatments. Over 650$. I was devastated, i had 100$ in my pocket, and payday wasn't until the week after, and even my entire pay wouldn't cover the costs.

I of course started crying, and so did my mom who was with me, because we knew that without treatment, he would die.

I was able to work with the vet, to get some of the costs reduced. I also called my Grand-ma and she offered to give me 100$ to help save Freklz.

I was not able to afford the full recommended treatment, but i did get him the best treatments i could afford at the time, which thankfully was enough to save him.

Now Freklz is doing great, and he is on a special diet, he also needs to lose a bit of weight, which he is doing on the new diet.

OK, now on with my question...

At that time the vet recommended that i mix water with all of his food, to make sure he had enough fluids, and kept urinating properly.

So now his diets consists of 1/2 can of wet food mixed with 1/4 cup of water in the morning, and 1/4 cup of kibble mixed with 1/4 cup of water in the evening.

I noticed a few days ago that Freklz has bit of tartar build-up on his back teeth, now i didn't notice if it was there before the new diet or not.

I was wondering, could the tartar build-up be caused by the fact that he doesn't eat dry kibble anymore? I thought dry food helped clean their teeth.

Should i give Freklz a bit of extra kibble without water everyday to help clean his teeth? Would it even make a difference, or is it not relevant?

I am planning to take Freklz to the vet sometime next month for a check-up and to see about his teeth, but i was just wondering, for in the meantime.

Sorry for such the long post.

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by RoxyGirl; December 26th, 2008 at 04:33 AM.
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