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Old December 21st, 2008, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by joeysmama View Post
We waved the white flag long ago. Idon't know if a little boy can be a Princess but if any of his "lovies" falls off the bed at night he makes a low growl until we wake up and retrieve it for him. He can't sleep unless his water bottle, his bone and his stuffie are all on the bed. He used to have two bottles and two stuffies until we got "strict."
You mean I'm not the only pathetic one here?

You know, I WAS a toughie once right?

I've had Dobies and Rotties and GSD's and...I, well, "I coulda been a contender"...

Ach, it's true...I've spoiled these three rotten.

The really pathetic thing is how well dogs learn. Declan (for those who don't me, Bridie and Ceili are sisters who came to me as wee-weeny-wees and are now nine, Declan came to us 3 years ago and I estimate his age now around 13-15) who said nary a word for the first year or two, has now learned to whine and do that "Nope, I'm not moving a single muscle because I don't want to go there, I want to go over there" thing.

It's a good thing I love them.
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