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Old December 10th, 2008, 08:19 PM
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totallyhip totallyhip is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Vancouver, BC CANADA
Posts: 550
I agree with someone who said the key is doing the research.
Do tons of research and ask people for advice who feed it.

We feed all 3 of our dogs raw and they are thriving on it! We initially started b/c Luke had head tremors about 20 mins. after eating kibble. No vet could give us a proper explaination for it. I researched the tremors and someone suggested raw diet. So we figured why not? It actually costed less than the high end kibble we were feeding. He hasn't had a head tremor since. Before we switched he was also going to the vet 2 or 3 times a months for something or another. He hasn't had a vet visit since. We take him in for a yearly check up and the vet gives him !!! We have a great vet who supports the diet. Personally I agree too with the other person that said you are taking risks no matter what you feed.

We never leave our dogs unattended to eat by themselves. Even if we fed kibble or just meat. Sometimes our dogs gulp so fast. But we always sit with them and watch them eat. They have never choked on a bone.

It takes us longer to prepare it but its worth it to us. We just take precautions with raw meat. Much like we do when we prepare a meal for ourselves (of course we cook our meats but you know what I mean).

Its a personal choice really. But it does take time to learn it and research it. I wouldn't have it any other way

Here are some sites to look at:
Owned By:
Han Solo - Male Flashy Fawn Boxer (RESCUE)
Chewie - Male White Boxer (RESCUE)
Lovey - Female Fawn Boxer (RESCUE)
Anakin - Male Brindle Boxer (RESCUE)

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Mohandas Gandhi -

~Until there are none, rescue one ~

Boxer Rescue -
Scentsy -

Last edited by totallyhip; December 10th, 2008 at 08:23 PM.
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