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Old November 11th, 2008, 03:40 PM
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dogcatharmony dogcatharmony is offline
Pumpkin' Dumplin' Gang
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Northern Ontario
Posts: 1,073
We had a few more playdates. The one was short because Mom wasn't participating. I just said that Zoe was going in the house because I can't contol both by myself......( I was having one of my short fuse days, so I was brutally honest).

The little guy cried and pitched a fit because the dog went in the house. She had a hard time getting him over to their yard because he was having one heck of a hissy fit. Oh yeah, another time they were just in the back yard and the little guy tried bonking Zoe on the head with a plastic shovel. That didn't go over well.

The next time Mom was participating 100% and it went well. Yesterday was hilarious because we had our first snow fall, and Zoe was having super zoomies. So we spent a good hour making snow balls and watching her try to fetch them. So all in all it's been good. Zoe ran up and gave the little guy a big kiss when he started crying because he didn't want to wear his mitts(loved the look on mom's face).....then she took off with one when he put his hand out.....lots of giggles watching me run around the yard trying to get a little weenie mitt out of ol'sloberpuss's mouth. Then he wouldn't keep his mitts on because he kept trying to give them to Zoe.

Hopefully it keeps going well......the two of them are a hoot.
My personal take on cat purring:
1 cat Mono
2 cats Stereo
3+ cats......Surround sound
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