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Old November 5th, 2008, 04:16 AM
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honeybeargirl honeybeargirl is offline
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Originally Posted by PennyRuf View Post
Hope someone out there can give me some advice. We got a 5 month old puggle and having problems training her to go outside. She is crated at night and we get up with her every 4 to 5 hours to let her out. When we are around she is on a leash to try to correct her nipping and going after our other dog a 6 year old Bernese X. She will do her thing outside but 5 minutes after she comes in she try to piddle on the floor. We tell her no and scoop her out to put her outside. She does not whine or give any indication that she needs to go she just goes. I am at my witts end with this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I use the grass4upetpatch You get this organic mulch in a container. You spread over this special grass seed that can grow anywhere just about, you get grass within a week and it's all contained. I am sure your puppy will get used to using it. No smell because the mulch has enzymes that turn the urine into fertilizer for the grass and eats up any odor. Most of the "grass" indoor potty's are expensive, but I found this one for around $25/container of mulch/grass. We had tried dogwiz and it's so unrealistic that she wouldn't use it. The grass patch is very soft and lush. You'll love it! Gone are the nights we have to go out in the muddy rain!
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