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Old October 22nd, 2008, 05:42 PM
kandy kandy is offline
Hazel's Personal Servant
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Wyoming
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Wow - I remember this case but did not realize that it was still going on!

How awe inspiring that you have stayed with this all this time DogMelissa! What an incredible testament to Daisy Duke.

I truly believe that everyone gets their just rewards, but sometimes I am disheartened by how long it takes for that to happen. I am glad that the judge dimissed his request to change the plea, and I hope that he gets the fullest punishment allowed by law (which is pitiful IMO). But now that he has the guilty plea on his record, he will be considered a convicted criminal and the next time he assaults a person or an animal, he will find the road much harder. I have no doubt that there will be a next time - I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there have been other victims.

It has always amazed me that children who torture animals are not taken more seriously since the statistics show that these children are highly likely to commit violent crimes against others as they get older. As was said in another post in this thread - 'virtually every serial killer began by torturing animals'.
Livin in a Newfie Drool Zone
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