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Old September 24th, 2008, 08:55 PM
Mgue Mgue is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Winnipeg
Posts: 78
Great points, TwoLostSouls!

When I put him in & just walk away, he goes crazy - whines, barks, bangs around, pulls up the bedding, etc.

I thought maybe I need to calm him down first? So now I put him in, get him to sit & lie down, pet him until he is calm, then I close the door & walk away. He still whines & barks but it seems to be less panicked... At least I think so?

I do feel bad putting him in there though, so maybe he picks up on that.

I thought maybe he was freaking out because he just spent all night in his crate and he doesn't want to be in there again so soon.

I can't have him barking that early when we're gone though, so I'm still at a loss for what to do?
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