Thread: Animal People
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 12:31 PM
BenMax BenMax is offline
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Congrats on your new addition. I was never a cat person until I owned one! I had her for 19 wonderful years. Once I had Alex and Ozzie, I started 'saving' cats from shelters. I eventually had 21. I nursed them back to health and found loving homes for them (sterlized of course). Since the death of Ozzie, I went back to the shelter and adopted 1, 2 and then a 3rd. I also fostered another for a rescue and she fit in so well with the cat pack that I could not give her up.

You sound like an animal lover in general. Welcome to the world of the wild. It is so great to know that you are open to all species. They all deserve our respect, love and care no matter how big or small.

I wonder when you get your second......
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