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Old August 28th, 2008, 06:47 PM
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histears histears is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New Brunswick
Posts: 65

NILIF is great except I can't seem to convince everyone in her life to use it. The biggest frustration in her training has always been the inconsistency from others even after I tell them a thousand times if you let her get away with it she will keep it up. Even my hubby has a hard time making her listen and I often have to step in. I guess the problem doesn't lie in how I've trained her but, in others not listenig to me about her. I'm now in the process of trying to get her use to My hubby and I both giving commands. Unfortunately He has one of those voices that is soft and calm all the time even when he is frustrated. She needs a firm voice and always has responded well to that but, If he gives a command to get her to stop jumping for instance she keeps it up until I step in. I can't have that looking after a child. If he is the one carrying the baby how can I be sure that she won't jump on him anyway. I don't think she would but, again I'm not really sure. We had a baby that visited the other day and both dogs did great. She just sat and stared at the baby and sniffed. Pippin is hilarious when it comes to children. I have to admit I have never seen a small dog like that like kids so much. He wiggles his whole body and he kept sniffing the baby's feet. It was really cute. It's strange because Zena seems standoffish in some cases and protective in others. It's kind of confusing. Now on the other hand the 4 year old was pulling her along by the collar not hard just trying to get her to walk where he wanted. She seemed fine and tolerated it, did what he wanted til she could get away then hid her head in my lap. She didn't react at all other than that. I might just be overly concerned because of what other people think. I am known to be way over cautious so that is likely a lot of it.
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