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Old August 7th, 2008, 11:24 PM
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Marcus got to play with Jack

Marcus was pretty much his usual puppy self, easily distracted and curious about everything. It finally dawned on me tonight that Marcus is a little difficult to walk. Not difficult like leash pulling, aggression or bad manners. But difficult like small children can be sometimes. For example he is so curious and easily distracted, that if he hears a motorcycle or loud car. He will stop and turn in that direction to try to find the source of the noise. This can cause foul ups with the leash and some times it is even hazardous as he will stop in the middle of the road to do this too. I just try to make like there is nothing unusual and keep going. Another thing is that he keeps suddenly walking behind me and changing sides on me which tangles my legs with the lead. Which leads to me either switching hands on the leash or untangling us from one and other. At least he has understood with me now that if he was to put a tree, pole, parking meter, hydrant or mailbox between himself and me. He has to get back to the right side himself (I am not going to move for his convenience) before walkies will commence again. Met loads of people on his walk tonight that commented on how cute he was and what a wonderful coat he has. He was just hamming it up with all the attention. At one of the parks, I was trying to get him some water at a drinking fountain but he is still not big enough to stand up and drink from it directly and little handfuls just wasn't cutting it. Luckily a lady who is a really experienced dog walker at the SPCA happened to be going by and lend me this plastic dish. She was walking Jack who is a GSD and Lab cross. Both Jack and Marcus got to drink and bit of water and got some good socialising happening. Loads of sniffing and checking each other out. Then they got to have a lot of fun playing together. Jack was the one doing most of the vocalising and even though he is a lot bigger than Marcus at over an year old he was really gentle with Marcus. They were rolling around, pushing and pawing each other. It was really good that Marcus got to socialise with another dog as he is still a puppy. He didn't want to go back into his kennel at the end of his walk, I wonder why.

This is a picture of Jack, the good big brother.
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