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Old July 25th, 2008, 06:56 AM
lotus lotus is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Wyoming Ont
Posts: 204
Went to see the vet yesterday , Sugar will keep her eye. Dr showed me a different way to apply the drops and it seems to work less traumatic for her. Also said she is spoiled(bad 2 year old) and knows if she cries and fusses I will give in to her Dr. said it is time she learns we are boss.(sounds cruel don't it) She has been with us over a month and should know she has a good home HS predicted her age at 2-3 years our Dr. predicts her age at 1-1.5 years saying malnutrition does wonders to the oral health. Also explained the ulcer is high in the eye so she still has some sight and may regain more once inflammation is down He also said we should find a good school and enroll both my dogs once again saying my dogs are spoiled rotten and they know it. I will follow his advice , I have already spoke to a few friends about the classes they take their dogs to, most are on summer holidays.
Vet holds a lot of hope that Sugar will be a good dog, he also suggested I attach a leash to us both and take her where ever we go and Peanut too. Peanut likes to bark a lot and the leash thing will help with this as he will be close enough to get the "NO BARK" command to him also said more humane than the bark collars. This was the longest I have ever been in the vet office good thing he charges visit not by the hour.
Let me know what you think about the info the vet has given; will it help or a waste of time They will start school in the fall. I know it will be helpful.
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