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Old July 15th, 2008, 07:53 AM
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ancientgirl ancientgirl is offline
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What makes me really angry is, he knew it HAD been reported as a recalled item. Then he argued it was a smear campaign. I was pointing the one guy to a food that is actually better in quality. At that point the employee should have just said:

"Well yes, there is some issue about this being recalled, but if you don't feel comfortable with it, Wellness is a high quality food that has never been recalled."

He didn't do that, he wanted to sell the guy the Nutro. And not long ago I was at Petco and there was a Hills display with a guy giving out information. He had charts and lots of displays about pet health blah blah blah. He was also giving out goodie bags with a free little sample bag of Science diet, a measuring cup and a couple of toys. LOL, I gladly took the goodie bag, kept the measuring cup and the toys and threw the food away.
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