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Old May 14th, 2008, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Rottielover View Post
I was not going to jump into this thread because it brought back a flood of hurtful memories.
I had a dog named bear that I got from a no kill shelter, he was 5 years old, he was at the shelter for 3 1/2 years of his life in a garage with only 1 other dog as company.
When I took him out, that moment I knew he would be a lot of work, as he lunged in fear at everything that moved. He was great with me, great with old people, but anything, and anybody else you could see the fear in his eyes every time he lunged.
I did trainers, I did behaviorists for 3 years. Finally the day came where he could no longer go outside. Only time he felt safe was when the lights were off, blinds , windows closed and on my lap.
Then we went for a very early walk, away from cars and people. Then a truck came, he then threw me in front of a large truck and almost killed both of us.
I called my vet, spoke to her for hours, I did all that could be done to try to save this dog. I then made the hardest decision of my life and had him put down.
I just want to let everyone know, I do not know what the OP has tried to do, but not every dog can or should be saved from the demons in their heads.
Now I sit and cry

RIP Bear
Rottielover - I don't think anyone was trying to say that all dogs are trainable/fixable. I just think maybe this one was. There were so many other options available besides the one that was taken. It was the easy way out. Way too easy.
You said you spent 3 years working with Bear . You tried your darnedest. IMO I don't think that is true with the OP. We have all tried to give advice. I never heard of any that was taken. Skipper was only 15 months old. Cockers may have a rep for being biters. Other dogs do as well. I just feel like this poor guy was handed a death sentence the day he was adopted. I just pray the same doesn't happen with the new puppy.
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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