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Old May 12th, 2008, 11:42 AM
Boubou Boubou is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Carignan, Qc.
Posts: 213
Well, I went to the vet and got some anti-biotics. I'm giving the weakest one 2 injections daily with 3cc of fluid to keep her hydrated as she's still not suckling. Also supplementing with nutri-pet and formula for all three - they hate it! The vet said the the mom probably already had something such as Rhino(even though she has no symptoms and is doing great) and passed something onto her kittens. She was found outdoors and her ears and pads of her feet were frostbitten. You can tell she's had a rough life. She's so beautiful, all white with little grey speckles on her head - and one blue eye and one green!

I lost 3 babies in all and I hope with the meds, I can save the rest..

I'll let you know how things are - thanks for your advice..
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