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Old January 13th, 2008, 10:46 PM
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kashtin's kin kashtin's kin is offline
Critter Cult Peon!!
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: small, decrepit-but improving!-farm in Southern Ontario
Posts: 563
Question cat chest/lung congestion causes??

No feral tales this time...I'm asking on behalf of our cat Sally, a 9ish year old female calico who came into our lives about 8 years ago as a 'country dumped' cat. She's been pretty healthy since we got rid of her ear mites and had her spayed back in '99, although she has never really been a "meow-er" and has always had a very loud purr and snore.

In the past few days, Sally's normal level of purring and snoring has been added what I can only describe as what sounds like 'congestion'. She is breathing/eating etc. fine, but has started to cough with a really heavy sound. No 'phlegm' or anything, but she sounds like a person with a chest cold or some such thing.

I'm planning on making a vet app't (hopefully for Tues. or Wed.), but in the meantime I'm just wondering if anyone has dealt with a similar sort of 'dense cough' in a cat (or perhaps a dog)? Sally is a strictly indoor cat, as are all our cats, and hasn't been exposed to anything new/toxic/tranmissable that I can think of .

If Sally's symptoms sound familiar to anyone, I'd really appreciate any sort of feedback/comments while I await a vet appointment. Thanks...

p.s. we adopted 2 special needs cat brothers quite a few years ago who developed 'cat kennel cough' while at a humane society, and Sally's problem does not seem to be too much like that.
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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