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Old January 8th, 2008, 10:58 PM
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dogmelissa dogmelissa is offline
Pet Guardian
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 565
January Update

I'm sorry for the delay on this one, the post-new year's week has been completely filled and then I woke up on my birthday (yesterday) with a headcold so today, having worked (2 jobs) from 8am to 6:30pm and then an hour agility with Cube, I feel pretty much like a truck ran over my head and got lodged in my sinuses.

On January 3rd, I drove to Didsbury for Daniel's assault trial. Thankfully, there were only 3 matters on the docket, so I anticipated a fairly brief day. My expectations were greatly exceeded, though, when Daniel was the first matter they called. When he and his lawyer were the only ones that walked into the court room, I thought something seemed a bit strange. Then, realizing that Daniel was wearing jeans, I thought "oh no" and expected a change of date.

What we got was much much worse than a change of date. The crown prosecutor stood up and said essentially (I can't remember exact words), "we didn't subpoena Robert William Haskett therefore we request that the charges be withdrawn". I saw in shocked silence as the judge agreed and the assault charges were dropped. Now, I have no idea who Robert is, though I'm guessing this is one of his brothers.

I don't even know what to say at this point. I'm not surprised in the least, though I'm incredibly disappointed as I so wanted him to be convicted of assault and at the very least have a criminal record when it came time for sentencing on the animal abuse. I wanted someone to make the connection between abusing animals and abusing people and get him the help he so obviously needs--or at the very least, lock him up for a long time!

So, I guess that isn't going to happen, and due to my cold, I'm not going to think about it anymore tonight. My plans for the rest of the night include a hot bath and hopefully bed before 10 (it's 9:00 now).

I will update again in April after the next court date for Daisy.

Wish I had better news.
Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
Forever in my heart: Patches Gizmo (1987 - 2008), Sierra (1999 - 2010), Rusty (1999 - 2012), Aubrie (1999-2014)

"If you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet."
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