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Old December 30th, 2007, 09:31 AM
SARAH SARAH is offline
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Originally Posted by Janie123 View Post
I live in Florida.....We have alligators and ....

You don't swim in ponds and lakes in Florida of you have a brain. At the very least,you don't let your dogs near any body of water.

LOL, thank you for confirming that my first husband didn't have a brain! I've suspected that for years

He'd always go swimming and jumping from a "tarzan-rope" at a waterhole in Pensacola. I never did, don't like brown water where I can't see what's in it!

Pity though, no gator in that waterhole

I did see a gartor once, we were biking down along some Louisiana bayou and there is was, half in and half out of the water, getting some sun on the part that wasn't in the water. It was sleeping (or just waiting for something to get close enough ) and we were going too fast for it to bother moving.

Saw some crocs too ... at a croc farm in the Philipines ...
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