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Old October 26th, 2007, 11:06 AM
Janie123 Janie123 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 183
Smile They missed us so much!

We just got back from a week in the mountains. My son and his wife took care of our dogs and,wow,did I ever miss them.
We got home yesterday and they were SO glad to see us. It was very touching. Boo seemed the most affected and just shook and cried and wouldn't get off my lap. lol He is NOT little. bonnie "talked" to us with her way of talking. I guess she was telling us off for leaving her.
Boo does not like to get on furniture. It's Bonnie that sleeps beside me at night. But,Boo slept beside me last night,whining a little,like making sure I was really there. I felt so bad. He is the most sensitive of the 2 of them and just loves me half to death. I am his person and he is my baby.
For the life of me,I can not understand why people abuse dogs. They give so much love and comfort and need us so much.
I have 2 sweethearts,that's for sure.
RIP My little Mitzie and my little Pepper
You will always,always be in my heart
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