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Old October 16th, 2007, 07:44 AM
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Chicklet Chicklet is offline
Love my Shi-tzu's
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Nova Scotia - Canada
Posts: 93
I know where you are,
We lost everything we had right down to the shoes on my feet,
House fire, No insurance, Nothing, We still had bank payments,
Most people got collections took up for them, but not us,
I was extremely shy, kept to myself, never asked anyone for anything,
My mum says I was too independent for my own good.
We crawled back; Bought an old cabin deep in the wood paid 4 thousand for it,
My Father passed away at this time and my mum insisted my Fathers last wishes included giving me 2 thousand to pay of our new cabin. I reluctantly took it,
After 12 yrs of marriage and no kids, To make things harder we had three kids 1 right after the other,
Here we are in a shabby old cabin, barely got lights, no running water, No water at all for that matter, Had to haul to wash clothes, Water was frozen solid in buckets come morning, We had limited wood, Nearly froze to death,
Remember 1 winter our income was $100.00 a week,
The royal Canadian legion gave us an old deep freezer, I squeezed pennies outta blood and dropped it all on whatever canned food was cheap that week,
I Remember living of sheer tomato soup for weeks on ends,
the only real big thing that saved us was the hugh gardens I always put in and filled ever jar I could get my hands on with preserves,
In the fall run ads looking for free rabbits, chickens, ducks, goats anything,
We got lots of calls and rounded up everything, Filled our deep freezers this way for a few yrs,
Had three dogs, with 2 strays being dropped at our door, Really didn’t need it, Dogs & cats lived off table scraps, Cooked all peelings apples anything I could get my hands on, added extra water to all meat I cooked,
Went to grocery stores here, Talked to the meat manager and asked for permission to have the throw out foods,
1 store gave us permission,
That saved our animals! There was no vet bills, Was not even something I could think about, Looked at it this way, My kids or my pets, God knows My kids always won first,
I believe If an animal could talk they’d agree whole heartily, After all many give there lives for their owners everyday!
Been 15 yrs now since that awful Fire, I refused anything I couldn’t pay cash on the barrel for, Have a beautiful home once again, Have had a sea of animals since then. (And I own everything, house, van everything)
Credit cards are a trap that will drown you! They lead you to believe you can’t live without them, Mortgages never solve any problem, Just add to it,
I have a neighbor right now done the mortgage bit over and over, its just a temp fix, their about to loose everything!
Start small, own it piece by piece as you can pay for it, I started living in a tiny camp trailer, and went up from there, then the fire, Never ends!
I’m not in your situation and each is unique to itself but if your cats are draining you that bad, You need to set your priorities straight or your headed towards loosing everything including the animals,

I’ve been in your state maybe even worse.
Sometimes you need to follow your head and not your Heart!
However cruel that may seem.

Food for thought I hope

Last edited by Chicklet; October 16th, 2007 at 07:54 AM.
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