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Old October 15th, 2007, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by want4rain View Post
if we dont cut away more expenses, it will take another 6 or 7 years of minimum payments on our non-mortgage related debt to have more than $50 left over at the end of the month.
any chance your bank will do a personal loan to pay off credit cards & have a structured payment schedule where there is an *end* to this debt, instead of never-ending-on-going interest accrued?

In January I went in to my credit union & applied for a personal loan which paid off my 2 credit cards (in the several thousands) & I know this debt, with monthly payments that were based on what I could pay per month, will be paid off in 4 years. Unfortunately I have now have new debt (food/vet/dentist) on my credit card that is gathering interest however being single, a renter & making barely over min wage doesn't leave me with very much for food or anything else by the middle of the month.

So no flaming here just
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