Thread: Designer Breeds
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Old July 27th, 2007, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by dtbmnec View Post
I think the point being that it should be left up to the experts. To people who DO know the business and don't let Fluffy mate every other day for the next six years.

It'd be like just about anything else. If I need to go in for open heart surgery I'd like to know that the guy opening me up has a degree and has done it before with SUCCESS. *has visions of some creepy crazy almost doctor like figure standing over her with a scalpel and tossing things out of her body saying things like "oh well we don't NEED that!" and "well this can go too!"* Gah.

You see what I'm saying?

Would you rather have Dr. Frankenstein or even a five year old kid with a scalpel or an actual open heart surgeon do the surgery?

not really. if everyone lined up for the single best or even the 5 best heart surgeons in the world then there would be a fair group of people who would never see the cure.

i dont know, i guess im taking this personally because we are not the elite yet my family breeds our family dogs and every time i see someone calling all non elite breeders a BYB (insert image of scoundrel with a greasy beard, beady eyes and hundreds of puppies in 2'X2' cages) i feel guilty of somethign i use to feel proud of. it feels liek there is a very very black and white view on breeding dogs. these people who make up breeds for profit, crank out puppies until the mother is falling apart.... they are evil without question but i dont feel my family is.

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