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Old March 27th, 2007, 08:41 PM
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erykah1310 erykah1310 is offline
Blue eyed funny farm
Join Date: Nov 2005
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White eye guckies, how serious?

Kita has eye snots, coming out of her right eye. Its a good amount too that I have to wipe off every so often, she usually has clear runny eyes and always has, but the whitness is cauing some concern for me.
There is no green or yellow tinge to it, its just like white glue, but a bit lighter than that.

I checked her eye for eyelashes that may be tucked under, and there are none, no scratch or any debris in her eye lids.
The white of her eye is a bit red, most likely due to the irritation from ?????

I have all intentions of bringing her to the vet tomorrow after work if things havent cleared up any, but im just wondering how concerned I should be.... Cause im quite worried right now.
Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyways. ~John Wayne
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