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Old July 23rd, 2004, 11:26 AM
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mastifflover mastifflover is offline
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If people have to pick on you and send you hateful emails and pms then just ignore the ignorant. You are trying your best and asking for help if you did not ask for help and said I am getting rid of Jin they would do the exact same thing so don't waste your time on them and just hit delete or if you can block them. I have had a fair amount of experience with rescues and I have found that talking to the dog and I mean just when you are sitting around or out for a walk or trying to go for a walk just keep talking and using there name and in a calm voice seems to make there trust in you grow.I am sure my neighbours think I am uts but I talk to the dogs at home all the time. I have had some severely abused dogs (physically abused) and these guys take a long time to trust anyone. My guy that I have now Buddy was so scared of males that he would freeze on the sidewalk or try and run the other way. After a month we could go for a walk with very little reaction to other people on the sidewalk. He grew to trust me and started to realize I would not let anybody hurt him he now trusts me totally and will actually step in front of me if he gets a bad vibe from someone. He still gets scared but I don't think those memories are easy to forget. I think you are really trying and it will pay off and when it does Jin will be your best friend. Keep your head up and don't worry about the ignorant they obviously have no life and nothing better to do.
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