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Old December 16th, 2006, 09:00 AM
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RaYne RaYne is offline
Owned by Saints
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Waterford, Ontario
Posts: 336
Thanks for the semi-frozen tip.. I have to try that next time.

Well I decided to try feeding the moose this morning.. Let me tell you preping it was nasty. I'm not squeemish when it comes to raw meat but this was just nasty.. it was super bloody and by the time I was finished cutting it up the counter top looked like I had slaughtered it myself. LOL Other than the mess it was nice and lean.. but did have a slight gamey smell.

Lola went to town, she loved it. She dove in her bowl without a second thought. Bubba on the other hand refused to eat it. He picked up one piece at a time and spit it out on the floor. He looked at me as if to say 'What the heck are you trying to feed me?!' hahaha Apparently he doesn't like the gamey taste either.. So he ended up with kibble, which he happily ate. I still have some left so as long as Lola doesn't get an upset tummy she can have the rest.
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