Thread: Hunter killed
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Old November 13th, 2006, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Is it really just to save money, eat ethical meat, save the environment etc. How would it save money if you factor in time and other costs involved, you'd have to be doing okay to afford to go hunting in the first place.
Not necessarily, for us here, hunting is waking up early in the morning and heading into our back yard...
No real expenses there, just the licence, and butcher fee's. For a freezer full of food its very reasonable.
Personally I dont go hunting... why??? because I know I would break into hysterics when the animal was shot. Yes , I enjoy the burger but dont want to see the cow die! So many of us are like this.

I dont expect anyone to change their opinions about hunting, either you are alright with it or your not.. thats it.

And Yes techno, majority of the hunters around here save the bones and organs for thier dogs. Or atleast give it to someone who has dogs.

Dont get me wrong, we have our fair share of poachers around here to but honestly there is nothing more insulting to a "real" and ethical hunter than a poacher, and most of the "good" hunters wouldnt think twice about reporting a poacher. Our neighbour when i was a kid was accused of poaching, I came home from school to 4 OPP cruisers and 2 MNR trucks ( with dogs) parked infront of my house. I was terrified that something horrible had happened to my dad. They removed the neighbours guns, meat, ammo and truck.. He was being charged!!! However he hadnt poached and the whole ordeal was sorted out in a few weeks. His meat was gone forever but he regained his rights to hunt. Had he actually have poached he was facing jail time!
It is taken REALLY serious.

I dont think of hunting as a "sport" for if one has that mentality only about it then yes there is only a " thrill " behind the kill.
Where as ethical hunters also get a " thrill" but dont only go out to seek it. If they shoot then they are thrilled but if they dont... better luck next year!
Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyways. ~John Wayne